Saturday, February 21, 2009


I do not feel like blogging anymore ...all my previous attempts have ended up as naught or half a pages of scribbled lines.Blame it on my existence...with time i get bored with everything..nomadism catches up.

Initially when i started this blog in my 8th sem of college, i was going through much turmoil.For it was the time for the much awaited end of college days, but still it was giving an ache somewhere....the reason was incomprehensible. So I wanted to shout...shout it loud and puke all the crap going inside my head at one place.

Thankfully I did it and am glad that people liked it and reacted to it too..:).thank you all...

I am not deleating this blog as it has been a witness of my transformation from a bohemian college kid to a strict when i am back being a frustoo sod, i 'll come back here to remember the good old time...THE WONDER YEARS:):).
A few good things have suddenly came up in my way these days..First and the formost...i still can apply for naval got a new path to go..possibly it will be more fun to be elated..Secondly, Pratham-An east Delhi based NGO have granted me volunteering opportunity during weekend..and yeah am writing an article on "
Quater Life Crisis"for The Viewspaper. I found the topic really interesting and identifying too,so.Do take a look.

So,Adios and all that crap..

"When i had nothing more to lose i was given everything, when i ceased to be who i am i found myself, when i experienced humiliation and yet kept on walking, i understood that i was free to choose my destiny"
Paulo Coelho


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