Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Highway to Danger Zone's Indian Version...

Must Watch for every maniac, below 22 yrs of age... :(

Behold on my silver steed,
Breathing fire, on wings of steel
I’ve raced the wind
I’ve ridden the storm
I’ve painted the azure sky
I’ve mocked the snowy peaks so high.
I’ve shattered the morning’s calm
And roared at the break of the dawn.
I’ve played hide n seek with the stars,
I’ve strolled in the playground of the Gods.
I’ve seen the angels in all their glory,
This is my life, it aint no story.

Everyday I walk the tightrope of life
I’m treading a thin sheet of ice
Death don’t frighten me any more
I’ve seen him near, I’ve felt him close.
I’m not afraid to die
I’ve lived my life to the fullest.
I envy no man
Cos I’ve sipped the nectar of the Gods.
The Gods they say,envy me
Cos I see what they get to see.
But yes I’m afraid, after I die
Will I ever get to fly.
Do not take away these wings from me
This is all I ask of thee.
And when I die do not cry for me
No dainty daisies, no wreath of flowers.
Few words on my grave which sum up my life,
A touch of glory and a mouthful of sky.

-Flg Officer Roomil Bhattacharya

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

God Bless...!!